Rome, Italy – June 7-8, 2018
DAY 1 – Thursday June 7, 2018
8:00 – 8:45
Registration and Morning Coffee
8:45 – 09:00
Welcome – Opening Ceremony
9:00 -10:30
Setting the Scene: Basic Understanding of Keloid Disorder
Michael H. Tirgan, MD
Jürg Hafner, MD
Michael H. Tirgan, MD
Clinical Presentation of Keloid Disorder; A Retrospective Study of 1088 Patients and Recommendation for Keloid Staging System.
Ernst Reichenberger, PhD
Genetics of Keloid Disorder
Frank Niessen, MD, PhD
Different properties of skin of different body sites: The root of keloid formation?
Xiao Long, MD
A comparison of apoptosis levels in keloid tissue, physiological scars and normal skin.
Bernard Veekmans, MD
Psycho-Social Impact of Keloid Disorder
Jonel May Breytenbach, MD
Clinical Case Presentation: Ear Keloid in a Patient with Albinism
Coffee Break
11:00 -12:30
Basic Science of Keloid Disorder
Dorothy Supp, PhD
Gwenaël Rolin, PhD
Dorothy Supp, PhD
Progress in Keloid Animal Models
Gwenaël Rolin, PhD
From Experimental Data to a Numerical Model of “Keloid-Surrounding Skin” Composite Structure
Shirley Brody Russell, PhD
Gene expression in keloids and pleiotropic effects of risk factors for fibroproliferative disease
Ferdinand Nangole, MD
Keloids: Proliferative or Inflammatory disorder?
Scott MacDonnell, PhD
Advancing the Study of Keloids with In-Vitro Modeling and Single-Cell Sequencing
Mark Fear, PhD
Changes to Fibroblast Phenotype in Keloid Disorder
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch Break
12:30 – 13:30
Special Session:
Keloid Nomenclature Working Group: Aiming to Harmonize Definitions and to Adopt Standard Nomenclature. This Session is Open to all Participants.
13:30 -15:00
Role of Surgery in Treatment of Keloid Lesions
Tae Hwan Park, MD, PhD
Frank Niessen, MD, PhD
Tae Hwan Park, MD, PhD
Optimization of Surgical Management for the Treatment of Auricular Keloids
Frank Niessen, MD, PhD
Intralesional Surgery in Combination with Contact Cryotherapy
Jürg Hafner, MD
A Dermatologic Surgeon’s Approach to Keloids
Wang Youbin, MD
Subcutaneous Surgical Resection of Keloid Lesions
Xiao Long, MD
Algorithm for Treatment of Chest Wall Keloids. Report of a large study from Peking Union Medical College Hospital
Young-Jun Choi, MD
Auricular Keloid Management: Clinical Outcome of Intralesional Excision and Postoperative Triamcinolone Acetonide Intralesional Injection
Tae Hwan Park, MD, PhD
Clinical Case Presentation: Usefulness of Keystone flap in Keloid Surgery
15:00 – 15:30
Coffee break, poster viewing & exhibition
15:30: 17:00
Role of Radiation Therapy in Treatment of Keloid Lesions
John Glees, MD, FRCR, DMRT
Jonathan Tsao, MD
Jonathan Tsao, MD
Overview of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy in Management of Keloid Lesions
John Glees, MD, FRCR, DMRT
Four Decades of Experience with Radiation Therapy in Treating Keloid Lesions at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, St George’s University Hospital, London and Cancer Centre London. Current Procedures and Potential for Future Developments
Henry Weatherburn, PhD
Estimates of Radiation Risks Arising from the Treatment of Keloids by Radiotherapy
Xiao Long, MD
Hypo-fractionated Electron Beam Radiation Therapy, a Retrospective Analysis of 568 Keloid Patient with 834 Keloid Lesions
Ioannis Goutos, FRCSEd (Plast)
Brachytherapy as an Adjunct in the Management of Keloid Lesions
Jonathan Tsao, MD
Treating Keloids with Adjuvant High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy, a Canadian Experience
17:30 – 18:30
18:30- 19:30
Walk to La Campana
Everyone is invited
19:30 – 22:30
Dinner at La Campana
Everyone is invited
PROGRAM- 2nd International Keloid Symposium
DAY 2 – Friday June 8, 2018
7:30 – 8:45
Registration and Morning Coffee
8:45 -10:30
Non-Surgical Management of Keloid Lesions
Reza Ghohestani, MD, PhD
Wang XiQiao, MD
Reza Ghohestani, MD, PhD
Role of Lasers and Light-based Devices in Treatment of Keloids: When, Where and How?
Lennert Van Putte, MD
Abstract Presentation: Intralesional Steroids – Efficacy and Potential Adverse Effects
Angela Filoni, MD
Abstract Presentation: 595nm Pulsed Dye Laser For Hypetrophic and Keloid Scars Treatment. A Randomized-Controlled Study
Michael H Tirgan, MD
Role of Cryotherapy in Treatment of Bulky Keloids.
Sofie De Schrijver, MD
Abstract Presentation: Painful Keloids. Evaluation of Risk Factors and Recommendation for Treatment
Ioannis Goutos, FRCSEd (Plast)
Steroid tape as an Adjunct in the Management of Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars
Wang XiQiao, MD
Clinical Case Presentation: Earlobe Keloid Regression by Bottom Ligature and Injection with Corticosteroid and 5-FU
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30
Basic Science Research / Abstract Presentation
Shirley Brody Russell, PhD
Lamont R. Jones, MD, MBA
Shirley Brody Russell, PhD
Admixture mapping and increased risk factors for fibrosis in African ancestry populations
Lamont Jones, MD, MBA
The MicroRNA Methylome Landscape in Keloid Pathogenesis
Haythem Y. Ali, MD
Can anomalies of the Atypical Chemokine Receptor 1 (ACKR1) gene explain the dysregulated microenvironment of keloids and some aggressive breast cancer subtypes?
Maria Worsham, PhD
Canvassing tissue microenvironments for immune disease markers as potential candidates of immunotherapy responsiveness: applicability to keloid pathogenesis”.
David Yeo, PhD
Micro/Nanotechnology for diagnosis and treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars.
Frank B. Niessen, MD, PhD
Early inflammatory differences between normotrophic and hypertrophic scars in humans
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch Break
12:30 – 13:30
Special Session:
Jürg Hafner, MD
Keloid Clinical Trial Working Group – Randomized Study of Surgery v. Cryotherapy in Patients with Ear Keloids. This Session is Open to all Participants.
13:30 – 15:00
Clinical Research Session / Abstract Presentation
Tae Hwan Park, MD PhD
Wang Youbin, MD
Tae Hwan Park, MD PhD
Could -79 °C Spray-Type Cryotherapy Be an Effective Monotherapy for the Treatment of Keloid?
Wang Youbin, MD
Study of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Keloid Patients
Reza Ghohestani, MD PhD
Efficacy of a Multimodal Approach for treatment of Keloids
Lamont Jones, MD, MBA
The Effects of Post-Operative Intralesional Corticosteroids in the Prevention of Recurrent Earlobe Keloids: A Multispecialty Retrospective Review
Gwenaël Rolin, PhD
Multiscale analysis of a keloid by imaging and biomechanical devices
Daniel Cassuto, MD
Clinical Abstract Presentation: Use of pneumatic needle-free injection technology for treatment of keloid scars in adult patients
15:00 – 15:30
Coffee break
15:30: 17:00
Vision / Future of Keloid Research
Peter Temple-Smith, PhD
Embryonic Stem Cell-Like Population within KALTS in Keloid Scar Expresses Components of the Renin-angiotensin System and Cathepsins B, D and G.
Peter Temple-Smith, PhD
Deactivating activin: a new direction in the treatment of keloids
Dorothy Supp, PhD
Vitamin D Receptor Expression in Keloids
Gwenaël Rolin, PhD
Halofuginone vs TGF-Mediated Fibrosis: in Vitro Investigations on Site-Specific Keloid Fibroblasts
Ofir Artzi, MD
THE KELOIDS BANE, WITHOUT THE PAIN – A New Approach in the Treatment of Keloids: Tixel-Associated topical Triamcinolone acetonide and 5-fluorouracil delivery
Closing Remarks- Open discussion
17:00 – 18:30