2025 – Call For Abstracts

We are now accepting abstracts and proposals for the scientific sessions for the 5th International Keloid Symposium which will be held in collaboration with the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, June 6-8, 2025.

All abstracts and proposals should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Images and tables have to be incorporated in the main body of the abstract. Word count should be limited to 800 words. 

All submissions are reviewed by the scientific committee on an ongoing basis. A formal response will be sent to you within 8 weeks from your submission date.

The deadline for abstract submissions is April 10, 2025.  . Abstracts may be submitted after this deadline and will be considered for presentation, however, we may not be able to include them in the abstract book. 

Please e-mail your submissions to abstracts@keloidsymposium.com.


All submissions must comply with the following guidelines:



All abstracts must have the following headings.  Click here to see a sample abstract. 

  1. Title: 
  2. AUTHORS: 
  4. Background: 
  5. Methods:
  6. Results:
  7. Conclusion

Click here to download the abstract template. 

Contact Information

Provide your full name, academic degree(s), institution, address, and email address.  As the first author (presenting author), you will receive all future correspondence regarding the status of your abstract. The information provided upon submission must belong to the first author.



Agree to present the abstract if selected for presentation. (This includes being present during the scheduled time of a poster session).

Verify that your clinical research was approved by an appropriate ethics committee or institutional review board and that, if appropriate to the research, informed consent was obtained for all subjects.

Authors must assign copyright of the abstract to KRF (unless the author is a U.S. federal employee).

All parties involved with the abstract must abide by the Confidentiality Policy.


Identification of Original Research

Indicate whether your abstract reports on original research. Original research means a systematic investigation designed for the purpose of expanding knowledge or understanding, including the analysis of data. For clarity, a clinical trial is an original research under this definition, and a summary or review of prior knowledge is not original research under this definition.


Identification of Clinical Trials

Indicate whether your research is a clinical trial. A clinical trial is a research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes.


Funding Source

Indicate whether the abstract was funded by a government agency, a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company, a foundation, or another source. If the research is funded by a pharmaceutical or a biotechnology company, please provide a contact person at the company.


IRB / Ethics Committee Approval

All studies that involve human subjects must abide by the rules of the appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB) or equivalent organization of the institution in which the research was conducted and by the tenets of the World Medical Association’s most recently revised Declaration of Helsinki.  If accepted for presentation, authors are required to provide the name of the IRB as well as the date of approval of the study.    All IRB approvals must precede the conduct of research.  All presentations must have a disclosure statement that includes the name and date of the IRB approval.


Abstract Title

The title should objectively describe the study. Do not refer to study results or conclusions. KRF reserves the right to edit conclusive titles.


Proper Terminology

Please avoid using the term "SCAR" in describing the illness.  We are dealing with a poorly understood chronic genetic skin disorder. Using the term "scar" in defining any aspect of this disorder is simply misleading.  Please consider using the term "Keloid Disorder" in defining the underlying disease entity and the term " Keloid Lesion" in referring to the lesion on the skin.


Abstract Introduction paragraph:

Please avoid describing what keloids are in the opening statement of your abstract.  Please do NOT include general information about keloids, what they are, what triggers them, etc.  Those in attendance at the meeting are all passionate about this disease entity and have a good understanding of this disorder.  

Here are few examples of texts to be avoided:  "Keloids are the result of an overgrowth of fibrous tissue ------------. Despite their benign nature, keloids remain one of the most difficult skin conditions to treat. ---- "



Provide the full name, academic degree(s), institution, address, email address, and disclosure information for each co-author. You may list up to 10 individual authors for each abstract.


Disclosure Declaration

It is KRF's policy to promote balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its activities through the disclosure of financial interests and other relationships, and management of potential conflicts.   All authors are expected to provide general disclosure information about the relationship with for-profit health care companies. The first author must obtain and include disclosure information from all coauthors.


Restrictions for Presenting Authors

If the first author is employed by a company as defined by the CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies, an alternate presenter who does not have a relevant employment relationship must be named if the abstract is selected for presentation.

A Company is defined as “A for‐profit entity that develops, produces, markets, or distributes drugs, devices, services or therapies used to diagnose, treat, monitor, manage, and alleviate health conditions. This definition is not intended to include non‐profit entities, entities outside of the healthcare sector, or entities through which physicians provide clinical services directly to patients.”


Abstract Body/Table

The body of your abstract should describe the background, methods, results, and conclusions of your research. You may type your abstract directly into the text box, cut and paste from an existing document, or upload a text file of your abstract. Do not exceed 800 for the total of your abstract title, body including section titles, and table. One data table is permitted per abstract. Illustrations and figures are not permitted.


First Author Responsibilities

The First Author Must:

Agree to the Confidentiality Policy on behalf of all parties involved with the abstract and communicate this policy to all involved parties. The Confidentiality Policy applies to both standard and late-breaking data submission from the time of abstract submission.

Verify that, if necessary for the work reported, the clinical research represented in the abstract was approved by an appropriate ethics committee or institutional review board and that, if appropriate to the research, informed consent was obtained for all subjects.

Verify that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract and support its data.

Agree, on behalf of all coauthors, to transfer copyright to KRF.

Agree to present the abstract if it is selected for presentation at the KRF Annual Meeting. (This includes being present during the scheduled time of a poster session.)

If the first author is employed by a company as defined by the CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies, an alternate presenter who does not have a relevant employment relationship must be named if the abstract is selected for presentation in an oral abstract session or clinical science symposium.

Comply with KRF's conflict of interest management decisions, including the potential for slide review prior to presentation.

Ensure that all co-authors meet the definition of authorship as stated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Convey the Annual Meeting Abstract Policies to all co-authors and the sponsor(s) of the research.

Enter the name of the clinical trial registry and the trial registration number if the abstract reports on a registered clinical trial.


Trials In Progress Abstract Submissions

KRF recognizes the importance of bringing together researchers to discuss ongoing trials. Trials in Progress posters provide an opportunity for members of the research community to present ongoing trials, foster collaboration and discuss correlatives and novel trial designs.

All phases of clinical research (phases I to III, supportive care, nonpharmacologic interventions) may be considered for inclusion as a Trials in Progress submission. Since the trials submitted are ongoing and have not reached pre-specified endpoints for analysis, the inclusion of results would be improper and is strictly forbidden.

Please e-mail your submissions to abstracts@keloidsymposium.com.